Site Finder Services

If you are considering Islip as a place to settle or expand, you’ll find our Industrial Development Agency (IDA) to be an invaluable resource in finding the best possible location. We know the available space and properties, the developers and management firms, the infrastructure, and the local businesses your company may wish to use as suppliers or subcontractors.


Tax Incentives

Working through our IDA, companies can secure a range of tax-reducing benefits that include property tax, mortgage recording tax, and the sales tax on materials purchased for constructing and equipping the new facility.


Loan Assistance

The Islip IDA can act as a conduit for securing financing through an Industrial Revenue Bond (IRB). Tax-exempt IRBs provide substantial reductions in loan interest for qualified projects. Taxable IRBs, while not offering interest rate advantages, still provide applicant businesses with a range of cost-saving benefits.


For More Information Contact:

William Mannix, Director